Conference scientific committee
- Dr. Ivona MISTEROVA, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen/ Czechia
- Prof. Dr. Habil. Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru, Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest / Romania
- Dr. DI Ani Bicaku, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria
- Dr. Anas Hidayat, Universitas Islam Indonesia
- Dr. Ramzi Bendebka, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
- Dr. Praveen Hoogar, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India
- Dr. Saman Abdulqadir Hussein Dizayi, Erbil Polytechnic University, Iraq
- Dr. Merle Talvik, Tallinn Health Care Collega, Estonia
- Dr. MOHD SHAMSURI BIN MD SAAD, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
- Dr. Chew Fong Peng, University of Malaya
- Dr. Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusof, University of Malaysia, Kelantan | UMK
- Dr. Mgr. Iveta Zelenková, Masaryk University, Czechia
- Prof. SEVİL SARGIN, Marmara University/ Turkey
- Assoc. Prof. Jurga Duobience, Kaunas University Of Technology/ Lithuania
- Mgr. Pavla ANDRYSOVÁ, Palacky University in Olomouc/ Austria
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. KRISTINA ŽARDECKAITĖ , Vytautas Magnus University/ Lithuania
- Prof. dr. LORETA BUKŠNYTĖ – MARMIENĖ, Vytautas Magnus University/ Lithuania
- Mgr. Josef Horňáček, Masaryk University/ Austria
- Dr. Suchandana Chatterjee, MIndian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)/India
- Prof. Dr. Carmen Sonia Duse, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Dr. Manuel B. Garcia, Lecturer, Institute of Technology at Far Eastern University, Philippines
Ts. Dr. Chee Ken Nee, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing, Faculty of Arts, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
- Dr. Florentin Popescu, International School of Business, HAN University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
- Dr. Kristína Jakubovská, The Philosopher University in Nitra, The Department of Cultural Studies, Slovakia
- Prof. Dr. Panicos Masouras, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Dr. Sotiris Avgousti, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Dr. Laila Mohebi, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
- Prof. María José Latorre-Medina, Department of Didactics and School Organization, University of Granada, Spain
- Dr. Ana Verde, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain