- 7thGlobal Conference onEducation and Teaching18-20 July 2025 Budapest, Hungary
7th Global Conference on
Education and Teaching
18-20 July 2025
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
[About GlobalET]
Don't miss your chance to learn from top academics in the field and network with peers - Education Conference 2025
The 7th Global conferences in education and Teaching is a premier education conference that offers its attendees three days of immersive cross-border learning and dynamic networking.
Taking place in the stunning city of Budapest, Hungary, GlobalET 2025 also offers the option of attending the event virtually. Whether due to travel restrictions or other reasons that prevent you from making your way to this beautiful European city, you can not only attend the event virtually but also present your research paper from anywhere in the world.
You will be delighted by the program put together by our scientific committee – leading academics from world-class institutions. This international conference on education will address the most pressing subjects in the field – from innovative strategies to the increasing role of technologies.
With attendees joining from all over the world, this education conference 2025 is guaranteed to inspire, connect, and help shape the future of education both on national and international levels.
The 7th Global Conference on Education and Teaching is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in education theory and practice.
Education, e-Learning, English and Foreign Language Teaching (ELT/ FLT), Teaching-Learning Relationship, Learning and Teaching. Other related topics will also be considered.
Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics
The Teaching & Education conference 2025 follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/
Conference Deadlines
Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 07 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 27 June 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification: Within 7 to 14 Days
Full Paper Submission (Optional*): Around 3 weeks after the conference
Early Registration Deadline: 18 February 2025
Late Registration Deadline: 08 July 2025
Conference Dates: 18 – 20 July 2025
Following the conclusion of the conference, authors of accepted abstracts who have completed their registration will be granted the opportunity to submit their full papers for publication in the Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph. Comprehensive instructions and submission guidelines will be shared via email within a few weeks after the conference.
Past Speakers
Anastasia Sofroniou
Laurence Peters
Teresa Vega
Koichiro Kitamura
Natalie Lavoie
Amalia Babayan
Wowek Sean Kearney
Othman Abu Khurmaá
Lhoussine Qasserras
Zuzana Murčinková
Who Should Attend?
Our International conference education 2025 and teaching is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the field of Education and Teaching.
Be the Best Presenter
Be the Best Presenter and Best Student in a Global e-Learning conference.
Get rewards to your commitment, knowledge and be a partner to revolutionize the research by building the arch of knowledge.
Paper Publication
All accepted and presented papers will be electronically published in the official global education conference Proceedings with an ISBN Number. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref will be assigned for each paper.
18 – 20
July 2025
[Join Us Now!]
Registration Fees
[ 18 February 2025 ]
Early Registration Deadline
Authors (Students)€310
Authors (Regular)€340
Virtual Presentation€120
Authors (Regular)€340
Virtual Presentation€120
[ 08 July 2025 ]
Late Registration Deadline
Authors (Students)€340
Authors (Regular)€380
Virtual Presentation€140
Authors (Regular)€380
Virtual Presentation€140
Participant Testimonials: Insights and Experiences from Our Conferences
[ Conference Location ]
Why Budapest?
Budapest is most famous for internationally recognized universities and a place to offer a lot of educational opportunities. It is one of the most photogenic cities in Europe with lovely architecture, wonderful monuments, and a lovely ambience.
As education is taken seriously in Budapest, it offers a wide range of facilities to cover everything people might need to raise their knowledge. That is the main reason why Budapest turning into one of the most outstanding tourist destinations among researchers, scientists and academics with impressive knowledge and amazing research projects. Thus, taking part in the Budapest conference can help you in taking a big step forward to develop your career and expand your network.
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is considered by many to be the “Paris of the East.” Not only is this beautiful city one of the most culturally important metropolises in Eastern Europe, but also home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
In fact, Budapest has so many things to do that you’ll want to spend at least a few days exploring this dynamic city. To make your conference experience even more memorable, you are invited to join a free tour of the city and discover its hidden treasures.
[ One-Day City Tour is free of charge ]
We would also like to offer the participants a one-day city tour free of charge. Great chance for participants to mingle around as well as appreciate the city of Budapest famous for its vibrant culture, architecture, Art scenes and excellent cuisines. organizing committee will offer the participants a city tour free of charge.
[Conference Venue]
Central European University Conference Center
Address: H-1106 Budapest, Kerepesi út 87. Hungary